The NZFMA Management Committee was formed to provide the Flour Millers Association oversight and management of all operational, and administrative activities for members.
It also oversees the Research Committee, and recommends changes to the Flour levy as required.
Current Committe Members
Committee Members include representatives from key stakeholder groups.
The current Management Committee is led by Paul Fahy and consists of the following members:
- Paul Fahy - Chairman
- Garth Gillam
- Tim Morton
- Steve Pederson
- Niki Urwin
- Darren Schischka
- Mark Lawrence
- Rebecca Biggs
NZFMA Management Committee Objectives
- To provide means for mutual discussion by members of the Association upon all matters affecting the interest of its members as Flour Millers.
- To assist in strengthening and developing the image and effectiveness of the Flour Milling Industry.
- To establish close liaison and promote goodwill and understanding between members of the Association themselves and other allied and interested organisations or bodies.
- To make united representations to the Government, Government Departments, Research Institutions and any other such departmental or industrial organisations or bodies concerning the welfare and requirements of the Flour Milling Industry.
- To actively seek the representation of this Association on all such organisations or bodies as may be deemed necessary or desirable.
- To further the cause of technical education in the Flour Milling Industry.
- To represent the Flour Milling Industry on the Wheat growing, Flour milling, and Baking Research Liaison Committee.